power Empowering Female STEM Graduates
SheSTEM Hosts Co-Design Session for the Data Science & Analytics Career Track at North South University

SheSTEM Hosts Co-Design Session for the Data Science & Analytics Career Track at North South University

As part of SheSTEM’s initiative to improve the employability of female STEM graduates, a course co-design workshop was held at North South University (NSU) on Wednesday, September 18. 

The event, organized in collaboration with the NSU branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), focused on the development of the “Data Science & Analytics” career track. The goal was to gather feedback and insights from female STEM students, in order to shape the courses to suit their career aspirations. 

The workshop began with a presentation outlining the course plan, giving students a clear overview of what the program would offer. Students were asked to share their experiences with online learning, preferred instructional formats, and perceived gaps in their current education. This feedback was crucial for tailoring the course content to their needs, ensuring that it would provide a balance of theoretical knowledge and practical application. Achieving this balance is crucial to enhance employability skills and foster industry-academia linkages – two key pillars of the SheSTEM initiative.

SheSTEM Co-design Event Q/A session
SheSTEM Co-design event at North South University

An interactive Q&A session followed, where industry professionals, including Shazzad Hossain Mukit from 10 Minute School and Md Miftah Uddin from Brain Station 23, provided insights into the evolving field of data science. 

The session concluded with two members of 10 Minute School’s Business Intelligence team sharing their personal career journeys, offering students practical examples and inspiration for their own career paths in data science and analytics.


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