power Empowering Female STEM Graduates

1.1. Purpose, Scope, and Approval

  1. The purpose of this policy is to outline SheSTEM’s approach to Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH), aligning with international cooperation standards. This policy covers:
    1. The principles guiding decisions in SEAH situations at SheSTEM.
    2. Expectations for all staff, including consortium partners.
    3. Procedures ensuring effective action in response to SEAH cases.
  1. This policy will be implemented in alignment with pertinent employment and labor laws, as well as criminal laws approved by the Senior Management of SheSTEM.

1.2. Complaint Mechanism

  1. Employees at SheSTEM who become aware of or experience a situation involving Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (SEAH) are encouraged to utilize the Complaints Procedure outlined in the Grievance Procedure and the Whistleblowing Policy. The diagram (not included here) illustrates SheSTEM’s comprehensive complaint mechanism, inclusive of misconduct, including SEAH.

1.3. Overarching Guidance

  1. Abuse, whether current, recent, or historical, can be reported without time limitations. SheSTEM encourages the timely reporting of incidents involving harassment, exploitation, or abuse. The following guidance applies in SEAH situations:
    1. Anonymous complaints are allowed but discouraged due to challenges in addressing and follow-up. For anonymous reporting, please file a complaint through the Work Ethics Hotline
    2. Affected individuals may contact a designated person for support and counseling, ensuring confidentiality and prioritizing the rights, needs, and wishes of the victim/survivor.
    3. Confidentiality is maintained throughout the complaints process, and staff breaching confidentiality may face disciplinary action.
    4. All involved parties are safeguarded against professional disadvantages under the presumption of innocence. Precautionary measures, such as staff transfers or paid leaves, may be implemented.
    5. Depending on the circumstances, qualified internal or external specialists may mediate in SEAH cases.

1.4. Support for Survivors and Victims 

  1. SheSTEM will coordinate essential measures to provide assistance to survivors/victims of SEAH. This assistance may encompass specialized psycho-social counseling and/or facilitation of access to other experts (such as medical and/or legal aid) as required. Survivors and victims retain the right to decide if and when they wish to avail themselves of the available support options.

1.5. Prevention of Retaliation Against Complainants, Victims, and Witnesses

  1. SheSTEM will take decisive measures against any staff, regardless of whether they are the subject of a complaint, or who engage in retaliatory actions against complainants, victims, or other witnesses. Employees found to be involved in such conduct may face disciplinary actions, including but not limited to termination of employment.

1.6 False Allegations

  1. Defamation, slander, and false accusations are deemed serious offenses under the policies of SheSTEM. The organization reserves the right to enforce sanctions against a staff member engaged in such behavior found to have made a false allegation, including but not limited to:
    1. Written apology to the person concerned.
    2. Arrangement of a binding and controllable behavior modification procedure with set appointments and deadlines.
    3. Written reprimand with a threat to terminate the contract.
    4. Leave of absence.
    5. Oral reprimand.
    6. Notice of termination.
    7. Termination without notice.
    8. Reporting the offender to the police.
    9. Taking legal action, etc.

1.7. Continuous Training & Communications

  1. On the induction day, it is imperative to organize comprehensive sessions, possibly on a biannual basis, to enhance understanding and facilitate effective communication regarding PSEAH. Situational questions will be introduced to help individuals comprehend what constitutes sexual harassment or abuse, followed by a trial run of the test after the PSEAH session.

1.8. Ethics Committee

  1. The ethics committee will consist of Senior Management and an external representative (independent member) unaffiliated with SheSTEM, ensuring no direct connection or conflict of interest. Session-based compensation will be offered for hearing if any issue arises. In the event of a complaint against a Senior Management member, immediate removal from the Ethics Committee is mandatory. Additionally, representatives from various levels of designation within the team subject to the complaint should be involved for verification and reference.

1.9. Policy Review and Update

  1. This policy will be reviewed and updated if necessary or when the overall needs of SheSTEM require it to be updated.


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